Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is cleaning your house a chore?

Back in Medieval times, instead of saying that people would take a turn at work they would take a cerr. Over time the English language evolved so that by the 16th century the word had changed to be char or chare. In particular this word became associated with taking a turn at cleaning and the title charwoman came into common use. A charwoman was traditionally someone who was not part of the main household but came in to the home on a regular basis to give a hand with the heavier cleaning.

Although the title charwoman first appeared in the sixteenth century it was used sparingly at first. However by the time of Charles Dickens, charwoman was appearing regularly as an occupation on the census. The reputation of the charwoman was probably slightly tarnished by the fact that A Christmas Carol includes a scene where the charwoman, the laundress and the undertaker all try and sell items that they have taken from Scrooge’s house, with the charwoman selling his bed curtains, his blankets and nightshirt. By the beginning of the 1900s the term charwoman was starting to die out but another version of the word cerr, a chore, was in common use and is still with us today. Whatever the term, cerr, char or chore; sometimes you need help to keep your house clean.

I heard carpet cleaning London experts saying that even vacuum-cleaning isn’t sufficient for removing all the dirt and stains from the fabric layer. You know the temperature in London; during the winter when moist the dust mites not only get into deeper parts but also make it difficult to erase them by sticking hard. For London carpet cleaning that’s why, the carpet needs to be soaked first and harsh stains and spills are to be blotted out.

We are all so busy nowadays juggling work, family, exercise and hobbies that domestic cleaning can either become a choreor can be neglected. Getting professional help from a domestic cleaner could be the answer. Let’s start by breaking a myth. Cleaners don’t have to be employed every day, they don’t even have to be employed each week. If you can cope with the lighter cleaning and dusting then there is nothing wrong in employing a cleaner once a month to do a full scrub and polish. Of course, arranging a weekly clean usually works out to be more cost effective in the long run because your cleaner will keep on top of all those regular dirt pockets.

Just to take one example of how a cleaner can help. A working mother that we know found that the only time she had to clean the bathroom was when her children were in the bath and she was keeping an eye on them. That meant that whilst the rest of the bathroom was clean, the bath was getting dirtier and dirtier. She finally employed a cleaner for a couple of hours a week. As a result, her bathroom and whole house are clean and she has more time and energy to spend with the children.

So if Carpet cleaning has become a chore, whether you use a cleaner or a charwoman, there is an answer.

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